Booking Visa appointment along with your dependents? Then know this primary 😳👆 | USA Visa 2023 #usvisa


  • I created primary profile for my brother for B2 and added both parents as dependent on old website. I had made the payment also in the old profile for all 3 through the primary applicant profile. Now in the new website, while claiming receipt, it is showing the amount as 185 USD and not for all three. I can see their names under dependent section. Should I create separate profiles for my parents? And how to claim the remaining payment for them?

  • I created a primary CGI profile for myself and add my wife and kid as dependent and later I was getting error and I closed the open application and started a new one. Now I am getting issue dependent profile is existing but I am not able add them. Also I tried to create a separate profile their I am getting primary dependent not available error. Does someone have any idea how to resolve this issue?

  • I created a H1B profile and a H4 profile on the new portal
    On add dependent page of H1B when I add my H4 email id, it tells me that the email id is taken and already in use.
    How do I solve this issue.
    I have not paid fees yet

  • I made some errors while adding a dependent so I deleted the dependent and when I’m trying to add the dependent again it is showing that email address is already registered use unique email. How to resolve this?

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