RIP Turbo 5 cylinders… EV's are great and all but synthetic gas like what porsche is doing is better. There's no way an electric powertrain can be as reliable as a 240 Redblock or turbo 5 cylinder white block bc of all the computers.
it's better for volvo to stick with diesel and gasoline engines than to create absurd electric cars and their batteries… nature is tortured more by the production of batteries than by thousands of diesel cars
"Climate change is the ultimate safety test" wow , Superbly mentioned, Love from India dear Volvo , Heartiest wishes from the bottom of my heart. May the God shower his/her choicest blessings upon you.
This is the way to get the attention, when we are concerned about short term safety in cars, the long term climate safety is being ignored. While Volvo is looking after our safety in our cars, collectively we need to relook our actions to safeguard our planet.
The next step is probably finding a way to produce the cars without leaving a carbon footprint, but it's a huge step in the right direction nonetheless
hey ik ben bjorn.ikben hier bij volvo om uit te zoeken wat de ultieme veiligheidstest is.dit zijn de zijwaarste en frontale crashtesten.ze zijn brutaal.ja hij lijkt ok.dit is mijn favoriet de run off road test. indrukwekkend.hZ maar is dit de ultieme veiligheidstest . hier komt de hoogste,een val van 30 meter,is dit de ultieme veiligheidstest?wel,het hangt ervan af of je
Ahh Swedish Technology and advertising at it very best:)
nice video
Only as long as you don't burn fossil fuel to create electricity. Otherwise, it is useless effort.
Anyone know this actor's name?
RIP Turbo 5 cylinders… EV's are great and all but synthetic gas like what porsche is doing is better. There's no way an electric powertrain can be as reliable as a 240 Redblock or turbo 5 cylinder white block bc of all the computers.
it's better for volvo to stick with diesel and gasoline engines than to create absurd electric cars and their batteries… nature is tortured more by the production of batteries than by thousands of diesel cars
Hey Volvo how much do you want for the XC-40 you dropped on the ground?
A third-world Asian country guy like me could never afford a Volvo. But after watching this ad, I should be die-trying.
"Climate change is the ultimate safety test" wow ,
Superbly mentioned,
Love from India dear Volvo
Heartiest wishes from the bottom of my heart.
May the God shower his/her choicest blessings upon you.
Wow what a plot twist
i love volvo cars
they had my in the 1st half not gonna lie i like the little twist
Porque no traen de serie en todos los modelos Volvo on CALL?
can't you guys of volvo make a car with solarcells? because where going all electric but my wallet is stopping me from doing that!
I cant believe the absurdity of this man Bjorn! I wish to know his identity immediately
This is the way to get the attention, when we are concerned about short term safety in cars, the long term climate safety is being ignored. While Volvo is looking after our safety in our cars, collectively we need to relook our actions to safeguard our planet.
This genuinely made me tear up a little, it’s not some 2025 or 2050, they’re just doing it, thank you Volvo
The next step is probably finding a way to produce the cars without leaving a carbon footprint, but it's a huge step in the right direction nonetheless
This is awesome.
All electric

Please come to India too.
hey ik ben bjorn.ikben hier bij volvo om uit te zoeken wat de ultieme veiligheidstest is.dit zijn de zijwaarste en frontale crashtesten.ze zijn brutaal.ja hij lijkt ok.dit is mijn favoriet de run off road test. indrukwekkend.hZ maar is dit de ultieme veiligheidstest . hier komt de hoogste,een val van 30 meter,is dit de ultieme veiligheidstest?wel,het hangt ervan af of je
“We’re switching to all electric starting today”
Only now? We’ve been battling climate change for a long time.