Tag: Global warming

Latest: Sperm whale’s slow death trapped in maze-like Japanese bay raises alarm over impact of global warming

Latest: Sperm whale’s slow death trapped in maze-like Japanese bay raises alarm over impact of global warming

Tokyo — The slow demise of a stray whale that spent its last days circling Osaka Bay not only saddened TV viewers across Japan, it also alarmed cetacean experts who called the whale the latest casualty of a warming planet. "Whales used to lose their way every three years or so," Yasunobu Nabeshima, a visiting researcher at the Osaka Museum of Natural History, told CBS News. "Until now it was a rare phenomenon. But these incidents have increased." A file photo shows a sperm whale swimming near the Ogasawara Islands, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan. Getty This month's tragedy marked the second case in as many years. Nabeshima said global warmi...
Latest: Renowned climate scientist Michael Mann awarded $1 million in suit over his work being likened to child molester’s acts

Latest: Renowned climate scientist Michael Mann awarded $1 million in suit over his work being likened to child molester’s acts

Washington — A jury on Thursday awarded $1 million to climate scientist Michael Mann, who sued a pair of conservative writers 12 years ago after they compared his depictions of global warming to a convicted child molester.Mann, a professor of climate science at the University of Pennsylvania, rose to fame for a graph first published in 1998 in the journal Nature that was dubbed the "hockey stick" for its dramatic illustration of a warming planet. The work brought Mann wide exposure but also many skeptics, including the two writers Mann took to court for comments that he said affected his career and reputation in the U.S. and internationally. "It feels great," Mann said Thursday after the six-person jury delivered its verdict. "It's a good day for us,...
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