This is a sneak peak of GREAT MIGREATIONS: A PEOPLE ON THE MOVE, a brand new historical past sequence from Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The 4-part sequence examines the highly effective affect of Black migration on American tradition and society. Whereas the primary massive migration was a compelled journey from Africa in bondage, voluntary migrations within the twentieth and twenty first centuries have considerably reshaped the nation.
This sequence explores the primary and second waves of the Great Migration from the South to the North in the course of the two World Wars, the “New Great Migration” of African Individuals returning house to the South of their ancestors because the Seventies, and the “Subsequent Great Migration” marked by the historic and rising inflow of African and Caribbean immigration within the twentieth and twenty first centuries.
The movie powerfully demonstrates that motion is a defining characteristic of the Black American expertise. #GreatMigrationsPBS
Thank you Dr. Gates
Warmth of other suns was such a beautiful and heartbreaking story. Those that stayed and those that left
My Grandmother left George Town at fourteen with her husband and a sixth grade education she left her lil baby with her mom and dad.God and family first.My Grandmother a missionary and her husband became the rt reverend work together because down in the country all our family came from a religious group.They worked hard to get us all together .If big momma didn’t know she asked from Rev Adam Clayton Powell, Malcolm,Har you act,it’s just to say she is resting in peace because all of us and more own our homes and fought to survive and substand.The work is hard and not for the faint at heart.Prayers and blessings to you all…
Sharecroppers were very poor! Because they had no money! Instead they went northward to find some better jobs.
It’s crazy how my grandparents on my mother’s side left the south and migrated to Chicago and my Dad after he left the military migrated up North. Now it seems there’s a lot of reverse migration going on. I now live in the South and NEVER intend to move back North. NEVER!!!
Americus GA to PA, NYC, OH, NJ, n D.C. Great grandfather and one of his brothers left 200 acres of farm land with their wives and 24 kids total by train 100 yrs ago.
Wowwww this looks good.
I can’t wait to
I can't wait! All my grandparents moved to DC as part of one of the waves of the Great Migration. Sadly they've all passed away before I could ask them about it.
I see some in the comments angry about the comparison to immigration. If we're talking about the distances covered 1000+ miles and culture shock those are definitely the similar. I would say our ancestors were IDPs (Internally Displaced People). They moved within their own country for their own safety and in search of better opportunities.
We sre still trying to gond our rightful place in America. You give everything you have of yourself and still dont receive respect not even from our own color
A documentary that is going to be a trick bag into promoting the illegal immigration that is taking place in the USA
This is incredibly disrespectful to the "The Great Migration" of American Descendants of Slavery ADOS who are US
citizens who moved from one part of their country to another You call ADOS ancestors forced migrants from Africa and crowbar and conflate African and non-ADOS Blacks immigranting from other countries. You are seeking to erase ADOS and attempting to equate two vastly different populations – one citizens and the other Black non-citizens. Henry Louis Gates, this deceitful conflation is absolutely disrespectful, disingenuous and shameful
My family migrated from North and South Carolina to find work. Final location Philadelphia Pa , They brought homes and encouraged other family and friends to join them even providing support and tell they could stand on their own.My grandparents helped my parents buy a house the family still has. Great grandchildren are living in it. However the next generation was not helpful to our elderly . That has been a sad mark against our family.
I have ancestry, but I still haven't figured out the connection between my Irish,Scottish and my native family members being with my black family members. I found one connection on how william mcintosh, Scottish, married a creek woman in the 1700s and now that part of his decendants are black. I need an expert to help with mine.
Winter 2025???
Hurry up!
Looking forward to this!!!
Dr Gates has done it again

So so excited to watch this! Thank You, PBS & Dr Gates for continuing to teach us about ourselves

My mothers maternal and paternal family moved from Northampton NC to Jersey and NYC in the early 1900s. Now I have reverse migrated from NYC to Atlanta and I don’t plan on moving back north
Much prefer when they are state specific…because saying “the south” and especially “the north” does not mean the same thing. And we are not all from the same place.
Thats African American History ! Atlanta is their Capital City and the
South is their Motherland
After WWII my veteran father along with 7 brothers and sisters, cousins, and friends left tobacco country in Eastern North Carolina. One by one they all moved first to South Philly. My daddy and uncles never went back to visit, ever.
I would like to know more about the migration that happened before, during, & after the Haitian revolution; of Haitians leaving Haiti for the states and of Americans migrating to Haiti after the Haitian Revolution…
I’m looking forward to this
I'm looking forward to this.
As a black-Brazilian American I can confirm this is true because my great-grandparents did the same but in Brazil. So my great- grandparents migrated from Northern Brazil to Rio de Janeiro
I'm 46 years old and my native state is in Queens, New York. My paternal grandparents migrated to New York in the early forties, my Dad was born in 1947 and my own mother who recently passed was born in 1955 and I would consider all years prior to the passing of the 1964 Civil Right apart of the Great Migration because she came to Queens, New York due to the amount of racism occurring in her hometown of Burke County and Jenkins County Georgia. At 46 years I'm now living in my mother's home state after Reverse Migrating here in 1994, The crazy thing is that although we're in 2024, my generation and my daughters generation is still having to fight to be seen in this country.
Today, the dream is leaving the country entirely.
So thankful that my grandmother left Kentucky tobacco fields and moved to Indiana and my mother family left Mississippi not long after her brother was lynched. The courage they exhibited to start all over and also show just how much oppression they were under at the time, many were living just a step if you can call it that above enslavement.
Everything he do is to paint us as anything other than aboriginal Americans
Can’t wait!! Thank you Dr. Gates
Yep, my mothers side moved from Arkansas, and some went to Illinois. Some went to Arizona, and some split off and moved to California. No one is even left in Arkansas.
The Great migration north was much deeper than only the surface reasons. Both of my parents at different times and stages in their life migrated north and though born in Ga and SC they met in NYC.
I myself had to leave the Deep South after college in 1990 to move north because the jobs I could get with my college degree the white kids who only went to high school already had. My white only high school educated classmates already had these jobs.
I can’t wait!!!
They ran us out of the South