A 12 months in the past Texas was busing asylum seekers to NYC… however now, the other is occurring. In the meantime, NYC is strengthening enforcement of its Sanctuary Metropolis legal guidelines amongst all metropolis companies as a result of it intends to stay a metropolis of refuge regardless of who’s president.
Fungus – Soft
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Trump should work on states that have no sanctuary status. States that didn't ask for this problem should be the first ones helped. Let the democrats deal with the problem they created.
New York to Texas to Mexico one way
I’m confused. Who was the idiot who decided to create sanctuary cities? How the hell could that work, anywhere. Was this a Biden/Harris brain fart? So glad I live in Australia…had a good government who stopped the boats. It’s a nightmare now in Europe, and UK, and USA and so many more places that didn’t have the foresight to understand what could happen. 🇦🇺🇦🇺
Texas sent tens of thousands to NY. NY is returning 4,500, hardly a one-up. And TX will send them back to Mexico.
Don’t stop in Texas 😅 Keep driving further south. Don’t stop until you cross back over the border.
But why???
They should be honest with the illegals about how there aren't that many jobs and opportunities and jobs
This is and will continue to be the fault of the Biden Harris, and the looney left. The trillions that's left us Americans to pay for should be parted favorable to the blue states who are still in favor for illegals contributing to their own financial greed and that don't have to deal with all the lawlessness taking place nationwide. Intentional from day one, for reasons God knows why, they've in every possible way are doing everything that could hurt our country and our citizens with pure intentions. And on top of that, possibly causing ww3 and or another civil war within. Absolutely mind blowing..!
Send to N.Y Governor wants them
Get them out
The Democrats caused ALL of this chaos. Wasting BILLIONS of dollars on non citizens and mow trying to get rid of them…NEVER should have been let in the first place. Crimes against our citizens, Democrats should have to pay back the tax payers….
No, actually I think it is much more sinister than that.. On top of the fact that Adams is a freak….
The Texas Governor should issue order to Texas State Highway Patrol to stop those buses and not allowed to enter Texas at any time and any point of entry .
That's great! Abbott knows exactly what to do with them.
Send them to Camp David with tents there's lots of land there
6:47 opportunity or safety??? whats the real intention? looking for money or real protection???????????
Democrat party should never be allow to take power again the are all sick individual
Pride before the fall , how stupid , vain , and incompetent . Democrats i salute you .
It looks like the bus companies made all the money😅😅😅😅
This is the Mario bus lift the only difference is are own government is the one helping to create the fucking problem please stop the fuckin madness and let Trump do his job
They do not care about Americans, New Yorkers. What amkes people think they'd all of sudden start caring about illegal immigrants.
Quit helping them steal YOUR birthright.
No one can afford to have empathy for people who have no empathy for them!
Don't believe me? Feel free to test that out, lol.
Back to texas where they will be rounded up and deported.
Their plan to get migrate votes failed, they have no use for them.
So they had a nice free vacation😮.
A lot of people thinks the only way to succeed in life is by living abroad..💔💔
Maybe the illegal immigrants will figure out that life in the US means sitting on a bus forever
these illegal aliens are breaking the law… they are here “ILLEGALLY” they should ALL be arrested and deported. They want to come here to America come through the port of entry.
The boarders NEVER should of been open for these people to come here. Where is the Biden administration? Where is ICE???
I don't understand why people would leave their home, I would not do that 😂😂😂😂
Illegal immigrants in Canada you are Next..
Trump vindicate DAVID TO END WOKEISM TRUTH WILL SET THEM FREE. Revelation 2-17 received harvest SAVED GOD WINS
Canadas scared they are all comming here