Latest news: Trump says abortion should be left to states, avoiding national ban: live updates

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Donald Trump has posted a video on Truth Social announcing his abortion policy.

He boasted that he was responsible for ending Roe v. Wade, made false claims about Democrats’ position on the issue and said he supported IVF, something some Republicans have recently begun to oppose. By not pushing for a national abortion ban, Trump has disappointed figures on the right, including Senator Lindsey Graham.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has claimed they raised $50.5 million during a fundraiser at hedge fund manager John Paulson’s mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, on Saturday night, nearly double the amount raised at last month’s Biden campaign fundraiser involving three presidents, which raised $26. meter.

Trump spoke to the 117 guests in the house’s backyard for about 45 minutes after joining them for photos upon their arrival, according to a campaign spokesperson.

Before Saturday’s event, Trump wrote in Truth Social at 4 pm: “Biggest fundraising night EVER!!! He will double Biden’s number from last week on Radio City. People are desperate for change. “They want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”


Updated: Trump sues judge for silence in last-ditch effort to stop criminal trial

A state appeals court judge denied Donald Trump’s latest attempt to move his New York hush money case out of Manhattan, as the former president makes a series of desperate efforts to indefinitely halt his first criminal trial, less than a week before. is ready to start.

An appeals court filing indicated Monday that the former president filed litigation against New York Judge Juan Merchán, who imposed a gag order preventing the parties in the case from attacking members of the court, lawyers and their families. The documents remained sealed.

Trump’s lawyers also pressured the court to move the case out of Manhattan, arguing that New Yorkers are biased against him and that he would be denied a fair trial. An appeals judge rejected those arguments Monday afternoon.

The appeals court will hear arguments on his attempts to lift the gag order on Tuesday.

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 22:30


Trump attacks Lindsey Graham over abortion

Donald Trump again attacks Senator Lindsey Graham and Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, for their opposition to his abortion statement this morning.

The former president wrote in Truth Social:

I blame myself for Lindsey Graham, because the only reason he won the Great State of South Carolina is because I backed him!

Senator Lindsey Graham and Marjorie Dannenfelser should study the Tenth Amendment and states’ rights. When they do, they should continue to proudly help Republicans WIN ELECTIONS, instead of making it impossible for them!

People forget that the fight against Roe v. Wade sought, from the beginning, to return the issue to the States, consistent with the Tenth Amendment and States’ Rights. It wasn’t about anything else. After we won, Marjorie Dannenfelser of the SBA and Lindsey Graham started saying, “No, let’s go back to the Federal Government with 0 weeks,” and when they didn’t get anywhere, they increased it to 6 weeks and, more recently, increased it. to 15 weeks, and they were obviously willing to take the number UP, UP, UP because they were getting nowhere with the Democrats, and they never will, because the Democrats would never give up on this issue no matter how many Weeks will pass by the Republicans. even if they said, “Unlimited abortion!” We had a Great Victory, she is back in the United States, where she belongs and where everyone loved her. The States will make the decision. Republicans are now free to run for office based on the horrible border, inflation, bad economy, and the death and destruction of our country!

You know Democrats are “stunned” when they have no response to my recent Abortion Statement other than: “He’s just joking. He will change it” or “he will not do that, he will do something else”. I guess this means we WON because they are so bad at everything else that this is the only issue they focus on!

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 22:19


Could Ohio keep Biden out of the November election?

The Republican who serves as Ohio’s top elections official warned that President Joe Biden may not be legally allowed to appear on the Buckeye State’s ballot because of the timing of this year’s Democratic National Convention.

Andres Feinberg Explain:

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 22:15


Another bad day for Trump Media

It was another bad day of trading at Trump Media & Technology Group, with the newly listed company’s share price falling another 8.43 percent, closing at $37.17.

The price has been falling every day since an SEC filing revealed that the company lost $58.2 million in 2023.

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 9:51 p.m.


Why is Trump repeating a smear about Democrats wanting to “execute” babies?

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 9:45 p.m.


Fulton County prosecutor asks Georgia appeals court to reject Trump’s challenge to Fani Willis ruling

The Fulton County District Attorney’s Office has asked the Georgia Court of Appeals to refuse to consider Donald Trump’s appeal of Judge Scott McAfee’s decision not to disqualify Fani Willis from the election interference case.

Willis writes that Trump’s appeal “reflects the petitioners’ dissatisfaction with the trial court’s correct application of well-settled law to the facts. Since plaintiffs have completely failed to meet their burden of persuasion, this Court should reject interlocutory review.”

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 9:39 p.m.


Amicus briefs filed against Trump’s immunity argument

Amicus curiae briefs have been filed against Donald Trump’s argument before the Supreme Court that he has immunity from prosecution for actions taken while in office, a key part of his defense of Jack Smith’s charges in the federal interference in the elections case. elections.

Writing in opposition to the former president are a group of retired four-star admirals and generals and former secretaries of the US Army, Navy and Air Force; a group of constitutional scholars; and several former officials and prosecutors, including Ty Cobb.

The military group writes: “The notion of such immunity, both generally speaking and specifically in the context of the potential denial of election results, threatens to jeopardize our nation’s security and international leadership. Especially in times like today, when authoritarian and undemocratic regimes are on the rise around the world, such a threat is intolerable and dangerous.”

Constitutional scholars argue: “Trump maintains that he enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions committed during his term as president, and that his acquittal in an impeachment trial precludes his further prosecution. Both arguments reflect a misinterpretation of the constitutional text and history, as well as the precedent of this Court. The court below was right to reject them.

“As an initial matter, Trump’s argument that former presidents are always immune from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office finds no support in the text or history of the Constitution.”

And Mr. Cobb and his associates write: “The defendant’s position cannot square with the text or history of the Constitution. He repeatedly invokes implicit principles of separation of powers, arguing that imposing criminal liability would unduly harm the Executive Branch. But it is the alleged immunity of the accused—not the prosecution of him—that would undermine those principles. The immunity he seeks would seriously harm the capacity of the current president, to whom all executive powers correspond. […] Ensure that Congressional laws prohibiting obstruction of federal elections are faithfully executed. And by asking the Judiciary to design broad atextual immunity from scratch, it puts the Judiciary and the Executive in conflict.

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 9:28 pm


‘Donald Trump did this’

The Biden 2024 campaign has unveiled a new ad focused on abortion and the painful story of a young woman from Texas who sued the state after nearly dying from a miscarriage.

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 9:15 p.m.


Watch: Biden reacts to Trump’s abortion video with promise to restore Roe v Wade

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 9:09 p.m.


Biden ‘not stopping’ student debt relief efforts as he announces five new initiatives

President Joe Biden said Monday that his latest efforts to reduce Americans’ student debt would be a boon for the U.S. economy as he unveiled a series of new executive actions to reduce or eliminate student debt for many borrowers at an event in Madison. Wisconsin.

Biden said his administration’s latest initiatives are a consequence of his promise to find “alternative paths to reduce student debt” that have become “so burdensome” that many borrowers simply cannot pay what they owe, making student debt is a problem because it keeps Americans from starting businesses, buying homes, or starting families.

Oliver O’ConnellApril 8, 2024 8:45 p.m.

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