How come there’s never been a movie about the Beatles? Not even one single film, ever? Ha! Just kidding, there have been lots—but Hollywood is about to get four more. And the internet is already hard at work fan casting them.
Sam Mendes, Oscar-winning director of 1917 and American Beauty, has announced that he’ll be directing biopics of each Beatles member. That’s right: John, Paul, George and Ringo are each getting their own film. It’s about time this little-known British band got some international recognition.
Anyway. There are plenty of sensible choices for actors to portray each Beatle. Maybe you came to this article to see some of those. That’s not what I’ve compiled, though! I’ve rounded up the most chaotic, spit-take-inducing fan casts I could find. Have fun!
All of these fan casts should play every Beatle
How about the cast of Seinfeld? Any of them could play any Beatle.