See my Playlist on How you can Apply for Visas from Nigeria:
See my Playlist on How you can Apply for Visas from Nigeria:
after payment of visa fee at the bank here in ivory coast, i returned, filled in payment details and date to proceed to pick up info, nothing popped up after i came back to my portal and the pending appointment has disappeared. what can i do please
i could not schedule appoint for myself and my 2 kids. i need to acll you and explain better
Hello, I have recently paid my visa application fee by card payment but I can’t access the appointment calendar. I’m suppose to have my interview at Dakar, Senegal. Can you please help me out on how to access the appointment calendar 🙏🏽
My visa appointment is been rescheduled and it's not showing on my dashboard
I'm trying to schedule an appointment but cannot select the available date in the Lagos consulate. However, when I select Abuja as the location, I am able to select the available dates. I already put my pickup location as Lagos. Would going for the interview at Abuja impact anything? Also can I change location when rescheduling the appointment?
I've been clicking on a date and it's been loading and nothing is happening, what am I to do next please??
Hello sir, I am from Ghana. I have been trying to create an account and book an appointment, when ever am done and try to log in it says incorrect username and password and I have 2 attempts..
Can you help me create an account?
I need dropbox appointment for January 2025 . Any help
Please do you have maybe a customer care support line for the embassy
Please can i get appointments for dropbox b1/b2 in January as usa visa will expire in January 2025
Urgent assistance- I have paid my visa application fee, thanks to your guidance. However, i am having issues booking an appointment as my dashboard is showing pre approval request. It is for a non immigrant student visa. Please what do i do? I have created tickets and i was told there is not specific deadline for this preapproval request.
good evening sir,please i want to know if you can book an appointment before submitting your ds 160 forms in new portal.
Your video helped me create and pay in the bank so am waiting for the working days u mentioned it’s was a clear directive Weldon ❤
Please is there a way to contact to personally
Hi, thank you for making this video, i have been trying to book an appointment after paying for a visa, i paid for a visa 2 weeks ago, and I'm experiencing some difficulties in booking an appointment. I don't even get the second option that contains the adult, children on my portal.
pls what can I do?
The problem that we are having is that there is no bank account name,, where to send the money. What is the name on the bank account when sending the payments through the bank? Or,,, What do you do if there is no name on the bank account,, shown on the website,, where or who to send the money to? The only thing they give on the website,, is the name of the bank to transfer the money to. Is that good enough? Or do we need an individuals name at the bank to transfer the money?
I canceled my appointment and am trying to book fresh appointment and it not going through why?
Hello, for the preapproaval stage, is it only I-20 I should upload or should I include my SEVIS confirmation page.
Does the DS-160 have to be submitted before scheduling appointment since Application ID is the confirmation ID? Also, if you have a minor (months old), do you also have to fill a new application again?
Hello Sir
Please my first interview didn't go well so i am trying to create a new application on the App so i can pay for a new application fee.
However, each time i try to create a new application, i get the response "Duplicate application found for this user"… How do i overcome that… Please is urgent
Also creating a ticket isn't working either.. Please help me its urgent… 🙏
My problem is that there were 2 appointments on the same profile (group application/appointment) and the payment was done on same day
Please, is there anyone that is still on preapproval request stage for more than a month? This is the 5 week and they kept on saying I should wait. I just want to know if they will still do it.
Top of the morning to you, I hope your night was good. Pls I need your assistance after making the payment via bank and I went back to portal to input the bank reference number and date request. As I insert it and log me out . I’m confused
Sir please I need your help again, my payment has been validated and I’m asked to upload my I-20 on the site, after filling the form and uploading my signed I-20 , I get an error saying “Query did not return a unique result “ over and over again. And I don’t know what to do now
Hello,thank you for the vidéo. M'y first question is what if you want to book for someone else Who is not your family member should you chose group because when you chose "self" even if you put someone else name on the form at the moment of generate the bank sleep it shows your name instead of the other person name, and m'y second question is when you go to m'y account its shows you a black square where its written if you are coorporate or travel agent click here but when you click nothing happens ,what to do if you want a corporate account? Thank you
After payment has been received and confirmed how do you get the payment receipt
Hello, please I'm in the preapproval request stage and I've uploaded my location, DS-120 form and intended date of travel. However it's is showing "query did not return a unique result: 2; nested exception is javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 2" how do I resolve this?
How do I change my DS-160 to read my appointment location in the same Country?