Dalai Lama Lives India .. Tibetans Have Lived in India for More than 30yrs since China Occupied Tibet and Banned Buddhist Pratice …they Fleed to India and are Living a peacefully
It's doens't matter if she is Indian interviewer or Not ..she Works for BBC what can you expect…India has that's why not signed the Refuge Asylum.. Nd We Know Islam How Dangerous it can Be …And We have dealt with Colonism too…Nd A Country where its starts to Loose its Cultural and Roots ..that country is Going to be Doomed… Whenever India took Action against Islam West always Labelled India As Islamophobic…Europe should be for Europeans and those you Respect Country Law Order and Legal Migration in Limited Number is Okay
Since 1959 CCP unsuccessfully tried to demonised and tarnished the prestine image of The Dalai Lama in anyway possible. And they have failed miserably but Chinese being a Chinese who believes thier chairman when he says repeat any lie hundred times and it becomes truth. HH the Dalai Lama is pure wisdom and real truth. So CCP with all your might and wealth you can't got any chance to stand against the moral authority of the DL.
I am against mass migration especially in illegal ways. But isn't that ridiculous that the west is worried about their "culture" being eradicated by African, Chinese and Indian immigrants while the west has dismantled and wiped off many indigenous cultures around the world by violent inquisitions? 😂😂😂😂
We Tibetans were FORCED to become a refugee by CCP. Thanks to India, we survived. People in the comment can you help us Tibetans to get back our country Tibet!
I always hear how bad “colonialism” was for India but centuries later they don’t seem any worse for it. But mass Indian immigration on the other hand has devastated Great Britain.
Oh my parents did it so every other indian can do it? What? What are we even talking about, it should be something you qualify for.
Im in a Sainsbury's yesterday and theres an Indian man working at the till, with poor english and im just thinking… Why are you here? Just why? For what purpose does an indian in his mid 30s need to suddenly move to northern England to work behind a till at Sainsbury's? It is logically and culturally obsurd. It does not make any sense at all. It does not benefit England in any way shape or form having an indian working in this context, and its happening absolutely everywhere in London, every single Tesco worker in London is almost exclusively indian.
HH Dalai Lama is right. Improve livelihood and security of ethnicities in their own countries of origin. Thereafter transitory visits and interactions will not be a threat.
If you were against colonization, you can't support this uncontrolled illegal migration.
No brown or black man wanted it then and no white man would want it now. If you lose the concept of motherland you become the same 3rd world country you want to save people from because they dont have a concept of motherland due to their religious beliefs.
Saving the world is okay but you need to save your home as priority number 1 which doesn't seem to be on the to do list of europen politicians left alone being on the priority list.
FYI, India is not Islamist country but there are 23 crore muslims living in India. Real Indians can take your job, they don't take your girls like pakistani grooming gangs, and they will not take your culture or your religion.
Indians can be loud and can smell and there oily food can make you fat quickly, but real indians are hard working, career oriented, well educated & well behaved corporate people.
If you allow limited immigration, please choose the incoming people wisely.
I agree with Noah Braga's comment. But, what I don't understand is that for what Europeans did to entire American and Australian continents, there's no acknowledgment or regrets expressed
I forget who said this as well as the exact words, so I will paraphrase. When asked the same question about immigration, they replied, "Europe belongs to the Europeans, and the Middle East and other parts to their native populations. They should stay there." I so agree with this and that they must be vetted and LEGAL. After all, it's not immigrants we mind. It's those taking over and destroying our cultures. However, the "unwoke" actual truth is that the invasion is being forced on us for a reason. It is deliberate, and most of our present governments are complicit. They have allied with the jihadis to destroy and take us down to fulfill their mutual dream of a NWO, aka as a caliphate. This is what they did in WWII when they became allies. They also both want the elimination of another certain group. Meanwhile, they blame that certain group for everything. The West had better get this and FAST.
Not all migrants are the same. The Tibetan immigrants to India are largely peaceful people who have brought a colourful culture and do not threaten the local people. They cannot be equated to the grooming gangs of UK.
I am Indian and we disown this stupid journalist..and no the dalai lama is not a "refugee" in India, India is the land of Buddha and for us The Dalai Lama is the Buddha reincarnated! No Indian in his wildest dream would consider The Dalai Lama as an outsider..
Ignorant Journalist is calling Hon. The Dali Lama as "Refugee".. Get your facts right lady! The Dali Lama lives in India – The Land of Gautam Buddha himself ! He living in the North East Part of India close to Tibet which is illegally occupied by the Chinese! INDIA is Dali Lama and Dali Lama is INDIA!
Common or rare sense.. You cannot and should not allow an entire culture of a country to be squashed by outsiders in whatever name or excuse. Look at some of the countries where the foreign immigration brought with it intolerance as a means to dominate the host country.
He said this nearly ten years ago…..at least he's consistent. Everyone shit a brick back then and turned on him. The narrative is changing, can the demographics?
She asked a really pointless and stupid question which he already gave his opinion of, but she kept saying why isn't it OK? He gave you the reason already woman.
Why people calling her Indian we don't consider her Indian send her to Africa and Afghanistan with her family
Dirty old man who invites little boys to suck his tongue.
However I agree with the opinion he offers in this video.
Dalai Lama Lives India .. Tibetans Have Lived in India for More than 30yrs since China Occupied Tibet and Banned Buddhist Pratice …they Fleed to India and are Living a peacefully
It's doens't matter if she is Indian interviewer or Not ..she Works for BBC what can you expect…India has that's why not signed the Refuge Asylum.. Nd We Know Islam How Dangerous it can Be …And We have dealt with Colonism too…Nd A Country where its starts to Loose its Cultural and Roots ..that country is Going to be Doomed… Whenever India took Action against Islam West always Labelled India As Islamophobic…Europe should be for Europeans and those you Respect Country Law Order and Legal Migration in Limited Number is Okay
She made herself look obnoxious and very stupid.
Since 1959 CCP unsuccessfully tried to demonised and tarnished the prestine image of The Dalai Lama in anyway possible. And they have failed miserably but Chinese being a Chinese who believes thier chairman when he says repeat any lie hundred times and it becomes truth. HH the Dalai Lama is pure wisdom and real truth. So CCP with all your might and wealth you can't got any chance to stand against the moral authority of the DL.
Didn't India fight so that their thing wouldn't be absorbed into Westernization ?
I am against mass migration especially in illegal ways. But isn't that ridiculous that the west is worried about their "culture" being eradicated by African, Chinese and Indian immigrants while the west has dismantled and wiped off many indigenous cultures around the world by violent inquisitions? 😂😂😂😂
We Tibetans were FORCED to become a refugee by CCP. Thanks to India, we survived.
People in the comment can you help us Tibetans to get back our country Tibet!
I always hear how bad “colonialism” was for India but centuries later they don’t seem any worse for it. But mass Indian immigration on the other hand has devastated Great Britain.
If you were really British, you wouldn't need to use an AI narrator.
This is interview is from 5 years ago.
He a Buddhist is this lady mentally ill?
BBC reporter didn't even understand sarcasm of Dalia Lama. 😂😂😂
Oh my parents did it so every other indian can do it? What? What are we even talking about, it should be something you qualify for.
Im in a Sainsbury's yesterday and theres an Indian man working at the till, with poor english and im just thinking… Why are you here? Just why? For what purpose does an indian in his mid 30s need to suddenly move to northern England to work behind a till at Sainsbury's? It is logically and culturally obsurd. It does not make any sense at all. It does not benefit England in any way shape or form having an indian working in this context, and its happening absolutely everywhere in London, every single Tesco worker in London is almost exclusively indian.
HH Dalai Lama is right. Improve livelihood and security of ethnicities in their own countries of origin. Thereafter transitory visits and interactions will not be a threat.
If you were against colonization, you can't support this uncontrolled illegal migration.
No brown or black man wanted it then and no white man would want it now. If you lose the concept of motherland you become the same 3rd world country you want to save people from because they dont have a concept of motherland due to their religious beliefs.
Saving the world is okay but you need to save your home as priority number 1 which doesn't seem to be on the to do list of europen politicians left alone being on the priority list.
FYI, India is not Islamist country but there are 23 crore muslims living in India. Real Indians can take your job, they don't take your girls like pakistani grooming gangs, and they will not take your culture or your religion.
Indians can be loud and can smell and there oily food can make you fat quickly, but real indians are hard working, career oriented, well educated & well behaved corporate people.
If you allow limited immigration, please choose the incoming people wisely.
Bingo card? My mum used to go Bingo with her friends at least twice a week.
Wow what an amazing wise and insightful man the Dakai Lama is.
I agree with Noah Braga's comment. But, what I don't understand is that for what Europeans did to entire American and Australian continents, there's no acknowledgment or regrets expressed
Please dont refer to her as Indian reporter. She is a British citizen and BBC reporter… so call her a british BBC reporter
I forget who said this as well as the exact words, so I will paraphrase. When asked the same question about immigration, they replied, "Europe belongs to the Europeans, and the Middle East and other parts to their native populations. They should stay there." I so agree with this and that they must be vetted and LEGAL. After all, it's not immigrants we mind. It's those taking over and destroying our cultures. However, the "unwoke" actual truth is that the invasion is being forced on us for a reason. It is deliberate, and most of our present governments are complicit. They have allied with the jihadis to destroy and take us down to fulfill their mutual dream of a NWO, aka as a caliphate. This is what they did in WWII when they became allies. They also both want the elimination of another certain group. Meanwhile, they blame that certain group for everything. The West had better get this and FAST.
He lost me when he asked that little boy to suck his tongue. Et tu, Dalai Lama? 🧐
Not all migrants are the same. The Tibetan immigrants to India are largely peaceful people who have brought a colourful culture and do not threaten the local people. They cannot be equated to the grooming gangs of UK.
Once you get employed at BBC, there is no Indian or any other citizen. You are woke. lol
I am Indian and we disown this stupid journalist..and no the dalai lama is not a "refugee" in India, India is the land of Buddha and for us The Dalai Lama is the Buddha reincarnated! No Indian in his wildest dream would consider The Dalai Lama as an outsider..
Ignorant Journalist is calling Hon. The Dali Lama as "Refugee".. Get your facts right lady! The Dali Lama lives in India – The Land of Gautam Buddha himself ! He living in the North East Part of India close to Tibet which is illegally occupied by the Chinese! INDIA is Dali Lama and Dali Lama is INDIA!
She is a disgrace to India and Indians..
The question is not how to limit it. It is: Is there a real intention to limit it ?
I've always agreed with His Highness… Regards from Blighty :).
Good reply 😂
Nothing wrong with that is there. Yes there is
Where is the interview
Common or rare sense.. You cannot and should not allow an entire culture of a country to be squashed by outsiders in whatever name or excuse.
Look at some of the countries where the foreign immigration brought with it intolerance as a means to dominate the host country.
colonisers hating being colonised is tight xD
I'd put my money on the Dalai if I was a tibetan man.
He said this nearly ten years ago…..at least he's consistent. Everyone shit a brick back then and turned on him. The narrative is changing, can the demographics?
She looks like a BBC reporter. At least physically.
This is still the same guy that tried to get a child to suck his tongue….just saying
She won’t be interviewing for long! She had a great opportunity to show her talent but she failed miserably!
Make Britain great again,but don’t come and rule India again
She asked a really pointless and stupid question which he already gave his opinion of, but she kept saying why isn't it OK? He gave you the reason already woman.
Why should india take the blame for British broadcasting corporation's propaganda to bring all the muslims of the world to britain.
In india we reject her views, the people of UK deserve a society run by their own UK values.