Emily Carver exposes Labour’s contradictions on Britain’s housing disaster and immigration insurance policies. Watch as Angela Rayner stumbles by a automobile crash interview, revealing stunning truths in regards to the authorities’s reckless plans to construct thousands and thousands of latest properties whereas thousands and thousands of immigrants flood in. With internet migration hovering and housing demand skyrocketing, is Britain on the point of collapse?
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How do we properly fix the UK's housing crisis?
We won’t even have enough lectricity to connect allthe extra housing as net zero will be rampant by then along with EVs. Heatpumps, electric everything. Sewage and flooding will raise problems along with other services and shopping.
It is all about low cost housing for poor people and immigrants. There is resistance from developers to build cheaper housing due to loss of profit. This has been tried in the past but didn’t work economically. Whole estates of rented housing could be with modulat. Housing at very low prices but will they do that ? Elon Musk could and would but a whole cross section of homes is needed .
We need to get out of Echr stop imigration and deport the ones here illegaly and look after are own Young and old vote reform uk
Of coz they should we know that
She's a genius
I've made sense of it, she makes perfect sense
No we need reform
Dianaput omw its so broken get him out he dnt care about us
Why did Navy refuse to stop the boats after supposedly being given the job? Does anyone know?
Whenever a plan like this is announced you know someone's going to make a lot of money out of us. I wonder who?? Successive governments have starved councils so when repairs are needed to existing housing stock they don't have the money so they get boarded up and forgotten about until they are so deralict they are beyong repair. Take a look at any council estate will prove this. Tens of thousands of houses standing empty. They can't even repair the houses they have never mind build new housing.
Are all labour politicians idiots? How can they not see how stupid Rayner is.
Maybe she means we haven't got enough for the hundreds of thousands of 'soon to be' new British people but there's plenty for the indigenous population, who aren't getting any 🤷
Labour wants import voters instead of deporting illegals that drain our pockets while brits are freezing and starving
Why is it that we have to Listen to these Lies over and over again vote Reform don't put up with these people wake up , England .
Correction we
They know what they are going to do which is practically next to zero , she Lies like Starmar does , this is how he got, into power it's about our , way of life these people are letting the Burglars through our front door and not through our window , how can Listen to these people that Will not turn back these Boats Leadership none .😮😮😮
Pensioners are Zionist Starmers Palestinians
Further proof this government is full of bullshit.
We’re losing our identity thanks to the clowns in power that supposed to be for the working people of the uk
Jesus if this is the deputy were DOOMED !!
All new housing going to illegal immigrants, no surprise there.
Thats why they got hi viz vest on going round choosing house for immigrants saying to each other he can have that she can have that get a grip leave goverment labour vote reform this is a joke
Economically illiterate! Kimo sabe starmer talks with forked tongue!
After 55 years in construction , at least 60% of socialist planned housing has major problems , of many kinds!!
Incompetent to say the very least this government has not got a clue when will they reduce the immigration numbers like they promised in their manifesto just vote reform at every opportunity
She needs to rely more heavily on her script writers ,and not think she has a clue what her mouth is saying
Angie rayner talks our of her arse.
All spare houses are owned by the liebor government.
What she meant was we don't have enough housing for all immigrants who are in the pipeline ready to come and enrich our society
Join a local council or join a school as a governor. You can only change grass roots policies from within. This is urgent because the calibre of people there at the moment make his cabinet look like Masterminds of the year.
She wants a chance for a new boyfriend …
Whats the legal definition of affordable housing could a state pensionet afford or buy one?