This satirical comedy from director Greta Gerwig takes a hilarious look at the iconic doll and her world. Margot Robbie performs charmingly as Barbie, and the film is full of clever jokes and social commentary.
This biographical drama tells the story of Richard Williams (Will Smith), the father of tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams. The film is an inspiring tale of determination and perseverance, and Smith gives a powerful performance as Richard.
This prequel to the hit TV series “The Sopranos” tells the story of Dickie Moltisanti (Alessandro Nivola), Tony Soprano’s uncle. The film is a well-made and entertaining gangster movie, but it doesn’t quite live up to the high standards of the series.
The film is full of humor and heart, and it will appeal to anyone who grew up in the 1980s. This nostalgic comedy tells the story of a young boy named Jake Doyle (Neil Patrick Harris) who dreams of getting a Nintendo Entertainment System for Christmas in 1988.
This horror comedy reboot blends classic franchise elements with new scares and humor. While gory and full of jump scares, the uneven comedic approach might not resonate with everyone.
This outrageous R-rated musical takes a gamble with its crude humor and raunchy themes. The story of long-lost twin businessmen discovering their shared lineage through their “appendages” is unique,