Tag: Online Gambling

Game Tech: New Study Casts Doubt On Online Gaming Casino CannibalizationGame Tech: New Study Casts Doubt On Online Gaming Casino Cannibalization

Game Tech: New Study Casts Doubt On Online Gaming Casino Cannibalization

As more states like Maryland, New York, Wyoming, and even Hawaii consider adding online gaming and poker, some in the casino industry have expressed concerns that the virtual gaming could “cannibalize” revenue and customers from live properties. However, a new study casts doubt on this thinking and instead reports that iGaming actually adds to casino revenue. iDEA Growth (iDevelopment and Economic Association), the leading trade association for online gaming in the U.S., released a report this week showing that in addition to adding a revenue stream for land-based casino operators, iGaming boosts revenue at live properties. iDEA founder and general counsel Jeff Ifrah said the numbers counter a knee-jerk reaction some may have about the effects of online gaming expansion. The growth of onli...
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